Angels and the Power of Sleep

Lately I've been doing something  called "An Alignment Prayer".  I do it at night as I'm just about to go to sleep. The prayer is simple:  "I declare that my body is under my soul, my soul is under my spirit, and my spirit is under God."  Then I ask for clarifying dreams and sometimes focus my attention on a particular area I need help with.

Please enjoy my amazing graphic.

The other night, I prayed the prayer and fell asleep. I immediately dreamed of angels.  I dreamed that my body extended up into the sky, and when I prayed the alignment prayer it opened a hatch at the top of the funnel.  And up in the stars there were angels, two of them.  Funny enough, they looked vaguely military, like they were a swat team.

When the prayer opened the hatch, there was a flurry of activity.  The one was like, "She's opened the portal!  Go! Go! Go!"  And then they got busy pouring something down this channel into me.  Like they had resources and insights and important downloads that were just waiting for me to open the hatch by aligning myself correctly.

Can angels look like Samuel L Jackson and Colin Farrell? In my dreams they do.

In short, I've become pretty committed to this alignment prayer.  And, related, I’ve been thinking a lot about the value of sleep, because it seems like a lot of good stuff can come through the channel when I get my rational brain out of the way.

I have this theory about sleep and it turns out some of it is actually supported by science.

Here’s my theory. In daily life, daily stresses, both small things and also big traumas, build up toxic chemicals in our brains. For me, it feels like these unprocessed stress chemicals bring anxiety, compulsive thinking, and irresistible urges for numbing. Unprocessed stress and trauma interferes with hope and diminishes optimism about the future.

If my stress and trauma are represented by wounds on the skin, what I normally try to do is poke at those things, pick off scabs, try to understand why they hurt so much and rationalize the pain away, which really, REALLY doesn’t work. My natural inclination is to process difficult things through thinking (brooding) incessantly on them, but I’m lately thinking that the process towards healing is more about flow and sleep.

So I've been surrendering to rest. In rest, the toxic brain chemicals that feel like poison, are neutralized.  I want to fight the toxicity with rationality, but it turns out sleep is a better warrior.

Here's the science from a Boston University study in 2019. Our brains are oxygen hogs.  A lot of our blood flow is dedicated to our brains with it's oxygen load.  But during sleep, the brain doesn't need the same level of oxygen, and blood literally vacates our brains, leaving space.  As soon as the oxygen rich blood is gone, it is replaced by something called Cerebrospinal Fluid that pulses through our brains.  It's like our brains take a wee bath when we sleep. The theory is that the fluid literally "rinses" out the toxic chemicals that accumulate during our waking hours.

My woo theory and personal experience is that sleep is also a time when the channel to heaven can be opened, and we can get the spiritual downloads we need.  The challenge for me is getting my sticky hands off the wheel and letting it happen.

Sleep and flow are the great healers. [Please note:  I also think therapy and many other tools are essential too. Sometimes we need all the help we can get, SO GET THE HELP YOU NEED.] But don’t forget to rest.

We’re responsible to find our path to healing and without deep healing our gift will be muted.  And the world needs out gift.   

Love, Josie

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